Visionary Projects
In partnership with Plentea Matcha Presents a West Village Salon Experience of Art, Wellness & Rituals

May - June 2025

We are curating a unique selection of artwork, of all mediums, that will fill a historic landmark townhome. Transforming this empty space into the essence of a living memory — the salons of New York, most notably since the 1950s, have always been an intellectual heart of the city’s cultural movements where creatives gathered and ideas were shared. With a twist on merging art & wellness, we are bringing it back for a limited time this spring, in the heart of the West Village, NYC.

Details on how to apply & what we’re looking for below…

Open Call

For: Artists Around The World
All countries welcome to submit an application

Mediums we are looking for: All original fine art (including photography & sculpture)

A piece that represents you and your work.

Artwork dimensions:
For all wall-based art (paintings, photography & reliefs) we are asking for 24x36” or smaller (or 30x30" if square). For sculptures or free-standing objects this is a case-by-case basis. We are not looking for video/film-based artwork.

Only NYC-based performance artists: yes! Submit your work.

Please read all

You must complete the application through the portal below to be considered for this opportunity. Please read the format requirements below carefully to avoid ineligibility. Applications cannot be altered or changed once submitted. Feel free to send any questions or concerns you may have to

Artwork JPEG images uploaded to your submission form should be very clear and without surrounding distractions. Please keep images at clear quality, no screenshots.

Your work will also be promoted to our platforms broad international audience and collectors of 1m+ unique visitors. A credit and link to your website and/or social media will be listed next to your selected piece(s) on our platform when listed for sale.

Submitted artwork should be for sale, all accepted artwork will have the option to be purchased. A standard gallery commission will be processed through the action of a sale. All accepted artwork will need to be shipped or dropped off at our NYC location by April 23rd. Any unsold work will be returned to the artist at the responsibility of the gallery.

ALL selected artists will be notified by email with further instructions on moving forward within the application closing week!

Artwork submissions allow for up to 5 pieces for $28. This fee goes directly toward exhibition installation, salon events and all future opportunities around supporting our creative community.

Submission Deadline
Sunday, March 16th, 2024
11:59pm EST

All submissions and payments are private, secured and protected. You should receive an automatic email upon successfully completing your application! We are not able to edit applications once they are submitted! Please check thoroughly before submitting any mistakes.

Due to the nature of this project, submissions fee’s are nonrefundable.